According to science, going to future is much easy than going backwards in time. Going forward requires us to travel a high speed or to enter a huge gravitational field then time runs slowly and eventually for others it runs at normal rate and if we come back then we must be in future. So this is the case for going forward in time but going backward is not like that. So today we will discuss some of the methods of how we travel back in time.
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First Method :
The first way by which we can travel in time is by travelling at a speed greater than that of light. As we know that faster we travel, slowly time runs for us and on acheiving speed of light, time eventually stops for us. And if we try to go beyond it i.e, to travel at speed greater than light then we might actually go back in time.
However, till now our thinking confines us that light is the ultimate stop but eventually we might some day prove this wrong in order to travel back in time.
From the rules of Einstein's Special Relativity, it takes an infinite amount of energy to accelerate any object to the speed of light, the faster you go, the more massive you become and the more energy it takes to accelerate your further.
Relativity does allow us technically for particles which travel faster than light, called Tachyons, but there is no evidence that tachyons exist, or that they could be used to transmit meaningful information such as humans .
Second method :
The second method of travelling back in time is to go through a wormhole. We know that wormholes are natural creations which connects two distant points in space and allow us to travel greater distances in less time. say from a galaxy to another in just hours. but in order to do so, we had to find a wormhole around us which is very difficult.
However another branch of physics, quantum physics suggests that our universe is full of wormholes many of them existing at the infinitesimal level in nature. to travel through them, it would require us to harness them by expanding them to a suitable size characterised by energy transformations. Thus we may travel back in time using these tiny wormholes.